We have some exciting progress to report! First, the Hobble Creek Bicycle Association was recently given a $250 Clean Trail Project grant from ExtremeTerrain! ExtremeTerrain is primarily for off-road Jeep enthusiasts, but they are active in supporting the full range of trails and users and we very much appreciate their contribution. Check them out here:

With this grant we were able to purchase several tools that will help us keep our local trails well maintained for mountain bikers and other users. Here is our new collection:

I can guarantee that these tools won’t just be sitting in the garage! In fact, we are having an HCBA Trail Maintenance Day coming up Wednesday, May 31. Meet at 6:00pm at the dirt parking lot on Canyon Road just above Bartholomew Park for a quick orientation and then we’ll work until we’re tired or it gets dark. There is lots of work to be done on a new trail just cut by Blazing Trails, our local professional trail builder, with funding from the 2022 UORG Grant, the Utah Department of Wildlife Resources, and fundraising done by the HCBA. So bring some gloves and any trailbuilding tools you have and don’t forget some water! Here are a few pics from the new trail–it’s going to be awesome!

In other news, the city contractor continues to make progress on the bike park in Spring Creek Canyon. Please continue to be patient as they finish up their work on it this summer. And good news! Springville City was awarded a substantial UORG grant this year to make the upper and lower bike park an amazing community resource. Here are a picture of the ongoing construction area–I’m stoked to see this copmleted!