Currently, As a mountain biker living in the Hobble Creek Canyon area, if you are wanting an epic weekend MTB ride, be prepared to travel 45 mins to over an hour to find suitable options. As discussed in the “Where to Ride” section of the MTB page, the Hobble Creek area does have a few good options for a quick morning ride or an after work “clear your head” ride, but fails to deliver any “destination” type trails worthy of traveling to. Hobble Creek Canyon is too incredible of an area not to have a trail system in the foothills and up the canyon.
This needs to change and we want to change it!
How can you help the effort?
- Join us on social media to stay informed on our latest efforts. Find us on Facebook, Instagram (coming soon), and Strava. And sign up for our e-mail newsletter here.
- Sign our online petition (coming soon) to demonstrate to municipalities and government agencies local interest in better recreational opportunities right here in Hobble Creek.
- Join us for local trail rides and trail work days. We will keep you informed through social media, the newsletter, and on hobblecreekbike.com