One of the key ways we can advocate for a better biking environment in Springville and Mapleton is to participate in city committee meetings. Over the years we have attended and presented at city council meetings, parks and rec committee meetings, and various workshops devoted to park and trail planning. We are also fortunate to have in our ranks members of both the Springville and Mapleton city councils, who advocate on behalf of trails, bike lanes, and other improvements.
Our current focus is participation on Springville’s Active Transportation Ad Hoc Committee. Several of our members serve on this committee, including Kurt Boucher, the committee’s chairperson. The focus of the committee is to help develop, in conjuction with outside consulting groups, a new active transportation plan for the city. This process began in the fall of 2020 and expects to wrap up by the end of 2021.
Let us know if you are interested in participating in city advocacy efforts–we can always use more people at relevant meetings to lobby for improved bicycle infrastructure!